New mothers have quite the journey ahead of them, and there is little you can do in the way of preparation. Not only will the responsibility of caring for another life become a full-time part of your own life, but you will receive a lot of information to remember. It can be a stressful time, but it is also beautiful and satisfying for many who embark on this journey.

One of the many things that you will have to learn about as a new mother is breast pumping, which is the process of gathering milk from your breasts and is often used to store it for later use. Some women prefer to use a breast pump rental in Calgary for this process, but others may wish to purchase the equipment outright. 

Both approaches are valid. When it comes to a breast pump rental in Calgary, the benefits include a lower cost and the return of the equipment after lactation has ceased. However, some people may not be comfortable with pre-used equipment, and wish to have their own equipment. Either way, the process of breast pumping will be similar for either person. 

The Process of Using a Breast Pump

The first step in learning to breast pump is relaxing. Stress isn’t good for you or your newborn, so remember to approach the process calmly and rationally. You will have to work your way up to average production in the first days by fully emptying your breasts, which triggers the response in your body to produce more milk, and the amount will gradually increase with every pump.

Breast pump

Ideally, you should hope to produce between 750-1,035 mL of milk in a day, with 8-10 sessions of pumping. Many women find that they produce more milk in the morning, so consider starting your first session of each day early. Remember, relaxation is the key to your success, so each time you pump, find a comfortable place and bring a snack. 

When using your breast pump, start with high speed and low suction, similar to breastfeeding. Once the flow of milk has begun, switch to medium speed and adjust the suction for your comfort. Some women prefer to double pump for better production, and the process should be reasonably similar. After the flow of milk has started to wane, hand express the remainder of the milk to empty your breasts. 

Weaning from Breast Pumping

Once your child is ready to move on from breast milk, you may wish to continue pumping to donate to a milk farm. Although, if this is not the case, you should begin the weaning process. Simply drop a pump session from your routine, and wait a few days for your body to adjust. Then, drop another session and repeat the process until you fully wean from the pump. Finally, you can return your breast pump to the pharmacy you rented it from, or wait happily for your next child.

Springborough Pharmasave is your health professionals committed to serving the Springborough community. Our pharmacy in SW Calgary will provide you with all the essential services you need for your health, including healthcare advice and medical products. We offer vaccinations, flu shots, breast pump rentals, and can act as your travel clinic in Calgary. Giving back to the community is a core value at Pharmasave, and we are proud of our work to help the Springborough community. Visit us at 104-30 Springborough Blvd, Southwest Calgary, or call us on (403) 453-6113.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a condition that affects almost half of the population worldwide. It is more common in women than it is in men, and it affects people living in South America significantly more than people living in Southeast Asia.

Typically, it can manifest as either diarrhea or constipation, and in some circumstances, both. It is usually accompanied by abdominal pain and can affect people of all ages. However, it is most worrying when there is a sudden onset after the age of 50 because of the higher risk that impaired digestive systems have for those above the age. 

The likelihood of a sudden onset of IBS is substantially increased when an individual experiences a gastrointestinal infection, but the exact cause has yet to be determined. Although popular theories revolve around a lack of important gut bacteria and poor diet, the results are typically inclusive at this juncture. 

Pharmacy Calgary

Treatments Available From SW Calgary Pharmacies

If you are experiencing the constipation side of IBS, stool softener products are available to ease the flow. Furthermore, there are several dietary supplements and plans available to ensure your gut bacteria are varied enough to effectively move through your system. This includes diets that reduce the number of processed foods and increase the amount of dietary fiber that is taken in. 

Mild pain relievers are also available for those experiencing distressing levels of abdominal pain. In very severe cases, fecal matter transplants have also proven effective at reducing the symptoms and effects of IBS. 

Thankfully, there are some treatments available to those suffering from IBS, and your pharmacy in SW Calgary will be able to provide information and treatments that don’t require a prescription from your doctor. However, if you do seek medical advice or treatment from a doctor, again your pharmacy in SW Calgary will be able to fill your prescription and offer advice if it conflicts with other medicines that you may currently be taking. 

Springborough Pharmasave is your health professionals committed to serving the Springborough community. Our pharmacy in SW Calgary will provide you with all the important services you need for your health, including healthcare advice and medical products. We offer vaccinations, flu shots, breast pump rentals, and can act as your travel clinic in Calgary. Giving back to the community is a core value at Pharmasave, and we are proud of our work to help the Springborough community. Visit us at 104-30 Springborough Blvd, Southwest Calgary, or call us on (403) 453-6113.

 Compounded medications are those meds that have been mixed or in other ways altered to maximize benefits for patients. Unfortunately, there are sometimes serious dangers involved when medications are not properly compounded. 

The medication becomes overly diluted

 Compounding drugs sometimes involves removing components that the patient cannot physically have. Certain medications may include ingredients that cause allergic reactions or unwanted side effects. If these ingredients are unnecessary for the drug’s effectiveness they can be removed as part of the compounding process. A pharmacist or chemist that is not highly trained in compounding may remove too much from the medication, making it diluted to the point that it is no longer effective for treating the ailment. When seeking a compounding pharmacy in Calgary residents should ensure they use a pharmacy that has the necessary skills to properly compound drugs.

Compounding Pharmacy Calgary

A non-sterile compounding pharmacy can lead to illness

 The science of compounding requires an area that is completely sterile. Any foreign particles can lead to disease, infection and even death. Any compounding pharmacy in Calgary residents use should carefully follow regulations that govern compounding pharmaceuticals. You may wish to contact your pharmacist to learn exactly what protocols they follow during the process. Any Calgary pharmacy should be willing to discuss how they keep you safe and healthy. If your pharmacy refuses to answer your questions, it may be time to move on.

Compounded medications can cause side effects

 As with any medication, compounded meds can lead to unwanted side effects. You should discuss the possibility of these side effects with your physicians before the compounded medication is prescribed. You can also discuss the possibility of side effects with the pharmacist. Both your physician and the pharmacist should be able to talk about the appropriate dosages and expected effects of the drug. They should also be able to give you some warning signs to look out for as you are taking these compounded medications. Though it can make you feel uneasy to take a medication that has been mixed in a non-standard way, you should note that the compounded medication has been prescribed to you for a reason. If your physician believes this is the best choice for you, it probably is.

Springborough Pharmasave is your health professionals committed to serving the Springborough community. Our pharmacy in SW Calgary will provide you with all the important services you need for your health, including healthcare advice and medical products. We offer vaccinations, flu shots, breast pump rentals, and can act as your travel clinic in Calgary. Giving back to the community is a core value at Pharmasave, and we are proud of our work to help the Springborough community. Visit us at 104-30 Springborough Blvd, Southwest Calgary or call us on (403) 453-6113.

There are many supplements for your digestive health. However, two options that are especially intriguing are probiotics and prebiotics. While these two things sound very similar, they are actually quite distinct. Each one serves a unique role in your body, and you need both in order to feel and look your best. Understanding the difference between probiotics and prebiotics is important. You need to know if either supplement is right for your health. Therefore, take some time to look at the key distinctions. Then, you can visit your favorite pharmacy in SW Calgary to get the right supplement today.

They Both Behave Differently In Your Digestive System

The most important difference is the way these supplements act in your digestive system. Prebiotics are a type of fiber. Prebiotics are not digested in your stomach, and they pass through to your large colon. Here, prebiotics are fermented for a variety of health benefits. Probiotics, by contrast, are live bacteria. Unlike some bacteria, probiotics are beneficial. They also live in your gut. These supplements are distinct in their function, but probiotics and prebiotics work in harmony for your health. Prebiotics are often necessary to support the growth of probiotics.

They Are Found In Different Foods

Because probiotics and prebiotics have a different function in your gut, it is no surprise that they can be found in very different foods. Prebiotics are a fiber found in the parts of foods that are not able to be digested. In other words, you will find prebiotics in the skin of apples, onions, beans and chicory root. Probiotics are found in fermented foods. This includes yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and miso soup. It is important to balance your diet with foods from both categories. You can also find prebiotic and probiotic supplements at your favorite pharmacy in SW Calgary.

Pharmacy Calgary

They Are Used To Treat Different Conditions

Each supplement has its own benefits, which means they can be used to treat different digestive problems. Some people take probiotics to control yeast infections. These supplements are also recommended after a course of antibiotics in order to repopulate the gut with good bacteria. Prebiotics are widely encouraged to support weight management, digestive regularity and overall digestive health. They can even be used for improved immunity, increased bone density and brain health. To learn more about what probiotics and prebiotics can do for you, be sure to visit your pharmacy in SW Calgary.

Springborough Pharmasave is your health professionals committed to serving the Springborough community. Our pharmacy in SW Calgary will provide you with all the important services you need for your health, including healthcare advice and medical products. We offer vaccinations, flu shots, breast pump rentals, and can act as your travel clinic in Calgary. Giving back to the community is a core value at Pharmasave, and we are proud of our work to help the Springborough community. Visit us at 104-30 Springborough Blvd, Southwest Calgary or call us on (403) 453-6113.